Recovery is hard to do

Maybe I should change the name of this blog to “Adult Physical Therapy Beginner” because it’s going to be a while until I can return to ballet.

It’s been almost six weeks since I got sidelined from my wonderful dancing and running life. My most recent diagnosis is hypermobile sacroilliac (SI) joints, which are causing my sciatic nerve pain. I was given an SI joint belt last week and it has made a huge difference. The belt stabilizes my hypermobile hips. It’s pretty amazing. When I wear the belt, I feel like a tin man who has just had his hip joints oiled. My legs femurs in their sockets and my pain is significantly decreased.

Before the belt, pain was with me all day and kept me awake half the night. Now I can get through the first half of my day pretty much pain free. I still suffer in the evenings, especially on the days I undertake my two hour round-trip commute and walk around campus all day. Running and dancing are still out of the question. Adding insult to injury, the belt gives me crazy muffin top.

I’m eagerly looking forward to the day I can return to my beloved ballet. I can’t exactly get a clear answer from anyone on when that might be. Next month? Next year? I do know that, when I return, I will be stronger and more dedicated than ever.

So think of me when you take your classes this week! Can’t wait to see you out on the sprung floor. 🙂

3 thoughts on “Recovery is hard to do

  1. Sorry to hear about this. Sciatic pain is awful. Just wanted to say that if you get joint pain anywhere else, get allergies, migraines, gut issues or you have joints that subluxation or dislocate (apart from SI joint) then it might be useful to look into Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Type 3 (or hypermobility type). Disregard the classic types with all the elastic skin, if you look it up. That’s not type 3, which is more about hypermobility.

    I have a form of this and to be able to dance we need heaps of strength work. Lots of muscles to hold our hyper mobile everything in place! 😀

    Good luck with your recovery. Glad you have the belt.

    • Thank you for your kind words. You are such an inspiration! I don’t think that my hypermobility issues are terribly severe. So far, physical therapy has been really helping out.

      So glad you visited my blog. I’m hoping to be back in a ballet class within a few weeks now!

      • That’s wonderful news. It will be so lovely for you to be back dancing!

        Yes, I just thought I had better mention the EDS stuff, in case. Most people don’t have it though.

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